Snowman jacket with a knitted tube scarf

This is my last DIY project this year for Miss M.
Originally I wanted to sew a jacket with Christmas flannel at the beginning of December. But I just forgot!
I have 3 different flannel fabrics which are related to winter / christmas.
So I talked to Miss M.’s mom and she picked out the snowman’s fabric. This jacket can also be worn after Christmas.

But only sewing the jacket without appliqué would be sooooooo boring!!!!!
First I thought about taking the snowman from the flannel. I like the flannel fabric but I didn’t really like the snowman for the jacket.

On the internet I found free cliparts with snowmen and printed one of them.

The idea with the scarf came to me very late and I was afraid I would not get the delivery in time.
But luck for me, the knitted tube came on Monday 🙂

Here’s the jacket from the front. I’ve stitched a few snowflakes on it.

Snowman jacket 2a

Here you can see the flannel lining. I like it very much – otherwise I would not have bought it – but I don’t like the snowman so much to apply it.

Snowman jacket 3a

I didn’t apply anything to the back of the jacket. At first I wanted to do the snowman too, but unfortunately I didn’t have enough time.

Snowman jacket 4a

Now a closer look at the snowman. I have sewn the scarf only in a few places to make it look more real.

Snowman jacket 1a

6th December – Saint Nicholas Day tradition

Did you also put your boots in front of the door on December 5th in the evening? And there were candy in your boots in the morning?

Or did your parents order a Santa Claus in your house who always knew what you had been doing all year? And fortunately there were always small gifts anyway?

When I was little I was terrified of Nicholas because he knew all my secrets!
Later I found out it was a friend of my dad’s hihihi 😀

Even though I have been too old for Nicholas for a long time, I still love this tradition.
That’s why I sewed a panel and hung it on the door this weekend.

Santa Panel


Let it snow, let it snow (photos)

  I woke up this morning and it was all white outside. Snow everywhere!!

All I had to do was to find my woolly hat and gloves (it happens to me every year. One is surprised by the cold season hihi)

I took my camera and made photos.








boats are waiting for the next summer



here you can see how little snow has fallen. But enough for a snowman ❤


here are my so-called ugly shoes 😀 . They don’t look nice but my feet stay warm and dry
