On the beach – photos and sound

The last days I have been on vacation at my favourite beach ❤ ❤ ❤

One night I recorded the sound of the sea with my mobile. It was a little windy as you can hear 🙂

I’ve taken lots of photos

The next photos are made by low tide

Beach 02

Beach 08

Beach 07

Beach 04

The sheep ensure that the dikes are firm. I think they just eat and sleep hihi

Beach 03

I don’t know what these things were used for before the sea destroyed them

Beach 11

Beach 06

Beach 14

Beach 10

Beach 16

Beach 15

Sunset – more people took photos there instead of in daylight hehe

Beach 12

Beach 13

Dancing on the beach ❤ ❤ ❤

Theme beach7.jpg

DIY nautical hooded jacket

When I’ve sewn the girls dress with the school supplies I found remains of french terry fabric I used for a hooded jacket. Not enough for another jacket for myself, but enough for a little girls hooded sweat jacket.

I’ve made 6,7 or 8 hooded jackets for myself but this small jackets are way more complicated hehe

I started with an very easy jacket, Nothing special! I used the dress fabric as lining for the hood.

Here my first jacket for Miss M 🙂



My next jacket has been more elaborated 😀

I used this jacket to learn how to applique

Remember the maritime dress with the paper boats?

Burda dress 01.

I had more than enough fabric left over  when the dress has been done.

First I searched the net for drawings of a paper boat. I printed my found in different sizes and sewn it on the back of my jacket

DIY Hooded sweat jacket 04

The front got a paper boat too. This time with Miss M’s initials. I also made piping with the lining fabric

DIY Hooded sweat jacket 01

For lining the hood and the front I used the dress fabric. For the back lining I took the pocket fabric

DIY Hooded sweat jacket 05

Front of the jacket

Yes, I know. The pockets are a little displaced

DIY Hooded sweat jacket 02

Back of the jacket.

Unfortunality I put the paper boats a little to high on the back. The hood is covering part of the boats 😦

DIY Hooded sweat jacket 03


DIY Cosplay Natsu from Fairytale – Tutorial

My god child Sonja asked me once to make a Fairytale costume for a friend of hers. They wanted to go to a Games Con. Sonja had bought a Lucy costume for herself but her friend still needed his cosplay.

She asked me if I could sew a Natsu costume. I must say I had to google for this name hihi

I knew the name Fairytale coz I had bought some of her mangas as a gift but never ever read one of these.

After looking for pics of Natsu I asked Sonja to give me some measurements from Alex like hip, waist, bust, shoulder length ….

Guess what I got in the end?????? “Elly, he is 6ft in height”. Thats all the information I got LOL

Lucky for me I’ve seen Alex a few times before. Otherwise I wouldnt have known is he a skinny 6ft or a muscle one or a little over weighted! There are way to many different physiques out there to sew without any information

To make this cosplay suitable I had to make compromises!

I bought black, white and yellow cotton + velcro

First I made the skirt. Because I hadnt had his size I decided to make the skirt variable for different sizes. To do so I used velcro as seen in this sketch.

If you want to sew it the way I did, dont use a too small piece of velcro! The velcro will hold the skirt together!!!

For the size of the skirt I measured myself and added a few inches in length and width. The front I cut 2 1/2 inches broader than the back because the 2 front pieces will overlap a little.

Cosplay Natsu Fairytale 14

First sew the 2 skirt pieces together. Check how the skirts fits you and where to make the cut to get the 2 pieces for your front. See pic above. Cut your front. Add the yellow bias binding .

I wanted the bias binding in 5/8″ so I cut 2 3/8″ strips

Cosplay Natsu Fairytale 11a

Now measure all three pieces together, add 2″ and cut a 4″ wide stripe. Iron it to the half. Sew the waistband to your skirt. Start at the small front piece. If done the waistband  should have been longer when you finished at the larger front piece.

Sew the velcro on it. 2 stripes on the small front of your waistband, the other 2 on the back of the larger side. Make sure you wont see the velcro when you close your skirt.

Your skirt is done and should look like mine

Cosplay Natsu Fairytale 10

Here you can see Sonja with the cosplay. Even she is way smaller than Alex she can wear the skirt!

Cosplay Natsu Fairytale 17

The next has been the vest

I used a pattern from a shirt. I made it larger than my size and added 3 inches in length.

You only need the back pattern. Cut it twice. Take one of them and cut it in the middle. Now lay them right side on right side. Cut a sleight curve from the neck down. Add bias binding on front, arms …

I put a lining to the front , but it isnt necessary. I thought it would look better if the front fabric isnt too “soft”

Cosplay Natsu Fairytale 12

For Natsus pants I used the “Burda Young Mens Pants pattern 7306”.

It looked close to the one Natsu wears if I’ve seen it right on the Natsu pics. I needed something very wide and comfy. I only had to shorten the pant legs to make it look more  like Natsu’s pants.

I cut a size way bigger than Alex would wear usually.

Because I wanted to make an elastic waistband I added 3 inches for it.

Sew the sides and the pant legs.

Follow the pic below. If you have an overlock you can skip the first point

Cosplay Natsu Fairytale 15

Now put elastic bands in your waistband

Cosplay Natsu Fairytale 04

Because I hadnt been sure this pants will fit Alex I put a band in the waistband too!

Cosplay Natsu Fairytale 03

Your pants is almost done

Cosplay Natsu Fairytale 02

Put in both pant legs an elastic band too and add  a 2″ black stripe. Make sure the black stripe is on both sides of the leg at least 3 to 4″ longer!

Cosplay Natsu Fairytale 05

Cosplay Natsu Fairytale 16

Last but not least the scarf. I used a 1 !/2 yard long, 9 inches wide white cotton

First sew with your overlock all around your scarf. Choose a long stitch on your sewing maschine and sew lines, lines, lines

Cosplay Natsu Fairytale 06

Cosplay Natsu Fairytale 07

Here you can see why I said using a long stitch. The fabric crinkles a little and the scarf looks better

Cosplay Natsu Fairytale 08

I bought this foot last year and its more then helpful when sewing 1″ lines 🙂

Now cut 4″ stripes on both sides of your scarf

Cosplay Natsu Fairytale 18

Say hello to Lucy and Natsu 😀

Cosplay Natsu Fairytale 01

Thank you sweetie for playing my model ❤